Sunday 13 October 2013

Selling Trench Art at the London Markets

I have been really busy recently, and been remiss in posting on this site due to the fact that I have been doing a stall selling items at local Antiques Markets. 

There used to only be one 4 o'clock in my day, and it surely was not AM!! lol

Early mornings and long days are part and parcel of the Antique Market Trade, and it is something that I will just have to get used to. In this dire ecconomic climate, we have to do everything that we can to keep the wolf from the door, this includes selling all of my cherished Trench Art collection.

Our merchandise is eclectic (to say the least!) ranging from vintage and antique French and African items, to antique English Prints, various electrical lights and pices of stained glass. We have a superb pair of lamps custom made from ceramic electrical insulators at the moment that make quite a statement.

Tomorrow (Monday 13th October) we are in Covent Garden Antiques Market in London (details above) from 5am to 5pm if you would like to call in and say hello.

Having just aquired a car, we hope to be off to France soon to refresh our stock from the Vide Greniers, Marche aux puces, and Brocantes. Should things go well, we would look to do this at least monthly (any excuse for a trip across the Channel)! lol

We will be offering local deliveries and an international postal service for our items, and a warm welcome to all callers, from the casual browser to the serious collector.

To support this endevour, I have set up another blog through which I hope to bring news, photographs and stories from the markets that we attend, and can be viewed at: I will also add snippets on here to keep all informed of what I am up to.

1 comment:

  1. It is especially decent, though look into the tips during this home address. trenchless sewer repair
