Thursday 29 November 2012

Petition to condemn Uganda's "Kill the Gays" Bill

I have just had this sent to me by a friend on Facebook and thought it worth posting it here. Check out and sign this worthy petition if you can, by following this link:

In a matter of days Uganda is set to pass the so-called “Kill the Gays” bill. The Bill could enshrine in law the death penalty for LGBT people. Activists in Uganda say that one way to stop this is by putting pressure on powerful international banks in the country to condemn the bill. 
Barclays and Citibank - two of the largest banks in the world - both have millions of pounds invested in Uganda and wield a huge influence on the government. Citibank has nearly $300 million in assets invested Uganda, and is a major leader in a U.S. Chamber of Commerce based in Kampala, Uganda’s capital. Barclays is Uganda’s third largest bank, with more than 1,000 employees in the country.
A public statement from Barclays speaking out against the "Kill the Gays" bill might be the best chance to stop it and save gay people from being executed.
Both banks have supported human rights for LGBT people in the Europe and the US. Barclays is one of the UK's top employers for LGBT people and prides itself on its work championing gay equality in Britain. But they cannot help us in the UK while helping to prop up a regime that kills LGBT people in Uganda.
With the “Kill the Gays” bill looming in Uganda’s parliament, Citibank and Barclays could help stop this bill in its tracks. Their presence in Uganda is significant, and their voices in opposition to the Anti-Homosexuality Bill could keep LGBT people in Uganda safe.
Ask Barclays and Citibank to publicly condemn Uganda’s “Kill the Gays” bill, and send a message to Ugandan legislators that criminalising homosexuality with lifetime prison sentences and the death penalty will not be supported by major international businesses.
This is a global campaign. Collin Burton a Citibank customer in the US started a petition there and as a UK Barclays customer I've started this linked petition targeting the banks here in the UK as well.  The counter on this petition reflects the cumulative efforts of both of these petitions. 

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